Over £700,000 in Settlements for UK Unlicenced Exports

Between March and September 2020, HM Revenue and Customs (HMRC) received compound settlements totaling £700,368.01. The nineteen settlements were between £1,000 and £211,250. These related to unlicensed exports of dual use goods, military goods and related activity controlled by the Export Control Order 2008. HMRC have policy responsibility for enforcing export controls on strategic goods and […]

New Guidelines Issued by the UK ECJU

The UK Export Control Joint Unit have issued a new service and performance code when dealing with export licence applications. In summary they are listed below, SIEL Applications 70% of cases within 20 working days99% of cases within 60 days OIEL Applications 60% of cases within 60 days The full text of the guidance can […]

Blackthorne Germany is now Brexit Ready

Blackthorne has now completed its registration in Düsseldorf, Germany which complements its existing European Union entity in Ireland. Blackthorne Germany will provide export and licensing services for IT companies based across the country. With quite a sophisticated licensing system it is far more beneficial to work with a German entity rather than via another EU […]

Joe Biden and US Relations Post-Brexit

As the Biden win takes the US by storm, the new president will now be sure to rebuild the US relationship with Europe. This victory is expected to have big consequences for Brexit. There is already speculation that Biden’s first visit to Europe could be to Brussels and not London, Berlin or Paris. A possible indication that […]

UK Added to EU001 General Export Authorisation

The United Kingdom has been added to the EU001 General Export Authorisation which now offers a far easier logistics process between the EU and the UK. Figures released by the Export Control Joint Unit reveal a very slow uptake of the new EU OGEL which has been available since March this year which provides for […]

EU Publishes Post Brexit Guidance for Dual-Use Goods

The new document recently released details nothing we didn’t know already, that being the transition period ends on 31st December and the UK becomes a ‘Third Country’. What is very strange is that the UK has not been added to the EU001 General Export Authorisation meaning individual licenses (or a global license) will need to […]

Blackthorne’s Record Delivery Time to Jakarta

Blackthorne pulled off probably the quickest delivery possible from Singapore to Jakarta this past weekend saving a major bank’s internal communication flow. Quite literally within 90 minutes of collection from their stock in Singapore the power supply units were on local delivery in Jakarta. How did we achieve this feat? – Local procurement. It was […]

New Manager for Blackthorne Colombia

Blackthorne have recently appointed Julián Hernández Vargas to run Colombian operations. Not only will he be responsible for logistics in Colombia but will take responsibility for end of life operations for IT equipment across Latin America. Having many years’ experience in the logistics field he will be of great value to our clients in managing […]

Details on New Global Tariff for United Kingdom

The UK Global Tariff, which replaces the current EU tariff regime, was published on 19 May. It represents a new regime to be brought in to effect at 23:00 on 31st December 2020. It applies to all imports from countries who are members of the WTO including the European Union if no trade deal is struck […]

Blackthorne Worldwide Forward Stocking Locations

Did you know that Blackthorne have FSL facilities in over 200 countries and territories? We can have a local inventory up and running for you within a week in any location. As well as providing an online FSL inventory system we can also import your products on our worldwide Importer of Record Service. From door […]