World Export Controls Review – Webinars

World ECR Webinars

Some interesting webinars to join from WorldECR and Steptoe & Johnson:

14 October
AML and corruption in sanctions and export controls compliance: investigation, enforcement and mitigation
In the event of investigations into sanctions or export control issues, compliance officers need to collaborate with the in-house legal team and/or external counsel to ensure the information is gathered in an appropriate way to ensure integrity of the investigation and maintain legal privilege protection for the business. In this one-hour session Steptoe’s David Stetson, a former senior lawyer at OFAC and in-house sanctions lawyer, will show you how. 

21 October
Sanctions and export controls due diligence: the key issues
In this one-hour webinar Steptoe international regulatory partner Alexandra Melia, an expert in sanctions compliance, export controls and anti-corruption, lays out the key issues that compliance officers and lawyers involved in scrutinising company transactions need to be aware of in pre-transaction due diligence, and shows how to mitigate any issues arising post-transaction. 

4 November
Navigating US export controls on encryption products
US export controls include complex and unique provisions covering encryption products, with a web of carve-outs and authorisations that can be difficult to navigate – but every international technology business, from app developers to network gear makers, still needs to understand the rules in order to remain compliant. In this one-hour webinar Washington, DC-based Alexandra Baj and Peter Jeydel of Steptoe will show you how.

How can we help you?

Discover our range of fully compliant solutions of for expert help, please get in touch with us at Blackthorne.