English GM Luke McShane wins Blackthorne Bunratty Masters

Luke McShane won his second Bunratty Masters title recently, a title he first won when he was just 14 years old. The Bunratty annual chess tournament in South west Ireland brings together over 300 players from as far afield as the US, Australia and New Zealand and is the premier chess tournament in Ireland. Blackthorne […]

UK added to the EU GEA001

In the event of a new deal Brexit the United Kingdom will be added to the list of countries that can be exported under this General Export Authorisation. The strange thing however is that UK companies will still be using this exact same authorisation after March 29th with United Kingdom stated on it. Does this […]

New EU OGEL – Export of Dual-Use items to EU Member States

The UK government has issued a new OGEL called “Export of Dual-Use items to EU Member States”. This licence will only take effect in the event of a no-deal Brexit and start at 23:00 on 29th March. It covers exports of all dual use items in Annex 1 of the UK Strategic Export Control Lists […]

Blackthorne to Judge Innovations at Arch Summit

Blackthorne’s Director Gary O’Grady has been chosen to be on the judging panel at this years Arch Summit where 70 new tech start ups will be vying for the €100,00.00 prize. Each start up will get a chance to make a 3 minute pitch before being filtered down to the final 6 who get a […]

New 2019 EU Dual Use Control List Update

In December 2018 the EU updated the dual use control list. You can find links to the updated lists here. UK Listhttps://assets.publishing.service.gov.uk/government/uploads/system/uploads/attachment_data/file/766972/UK_Strategic_Export_Control_Lists_20181219.pdf EU Listhttps://eur-lex.europa.eu/legal-content/EN/TXT/PDF/?uri=CELEX:02009R0428-20171216&from=EN

Visit Blackthorne at the 2019 Arch Summit

The 2019 Arch Summit will be taking place on 3rd and 4th of April this year in Luxembourg. This summit is for a combination of tech start-ups and corporates in the technology field. This brings all like-minded companies together to get a handle on future developments in the tech sector. Blackthorne will be exhibiting and […]

Blackthorne now featured on Ariba Network

Tech companies now have an easier way to connect with Blackthorne with our approval on the SAP Ariba Network. This provides our clients with a far superior relationship management system for PO, job and invoice generation.

EU Preparations for No Deal Brexit

The EU have published a number of papers in the last few months on how they will anticipate a no deal Brexit. They are not too in depth at all which lends itself to the view they absolutely expect a deal. Export Licensing – https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/info/files/file_import/import_and_export_licences_en.pdfCustoms – https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/info/files/file_import/customs_and_indirect_taxation_en.pdfPreferential Rules of Origin – https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/info/files/file_import/preferential_rules_of_origin_en.pdfAir Transport – https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/info/files/file_import/air_transport_en.pdfRoad Transport – https://ec.europa.eu/info/sites/info/files/file_import/road_transport_en.pdfMaritime […]

Blackthorne Participate in Russian British Business Forum

Blackthorne participated in a panel discussion at the recent Russian British Business Forum which focussed on Innovations and technologies as a factor of export growth. This yearly event organised by the Russian Trade Delegation to the UK is held at the QE2 Centre in Westminster and is the premier UK-Russian trade event.

New IOR Calculator on the Blackthorne Website

Blackthorne have introduced a new IOR cost calculator giving you the opportunity to access instant costs for IT networking equipment on an IOR DDP basis. Account clients can access their dedicated tariffs after a login. You can access the new IOR Calculator here. https://blackrbuye.nimpr.uk/solutions/importer-of-record